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(Prva strofa)
Ja sam kao voda one večeri kada si došao brodom
Oštra površina koju možeš preseći nožem
I kada bi ovo bio lako rešiv slučaj
Nikada ne bih znala iz izraza tvog lica
Izgubljena u tvojoj današnjosti kao neprocenjivo vino
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
(Druga strofa)
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Glava na jastuku, osećam te kako se prikradaš
Kao da si neka mitska stvar
Kao da si trofej ili šampionski prsten
I kada bi postojala jedna nagrada, varala bih da pobedim
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Glava na jastuku, osećam te kako se prikradaš
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Vraćam se jače nego trend iz devedesetih
(Treća strofa)
Čekaj na znak i naćićemo se posle mraka
Pokaži mi mesta gde su ti ostali zadali ožiljke
Sada je ovo lako rešiv slučaj
Očigledno sam trebala da znam iz izraza tog lica
Svaka obmana bila je umetnost
Znam da što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Hej, to je moj čovek
To je moj čovek
Da, to je moj čovek
Dušo, svaka obmana bila je umetnost
To je moj čovek
Hej, to je moj čovek
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek

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All Women May Vote

I am a big friend of women, I swear you by my life
I thank all men today who gave them
Equal rights to vote, fine, fine for every woman
The right to vote, the right to be, the time has come already

So all women must vote, at every election that will come
A congressman, a president lies in women's hands
A woman doesn't sell her vote for cash
Rejoice men, it's alright, you've already waited for a long time
That your women may vote

Rukhele will be a captain, and Chantshe will be a mayor
Jenny will be a diplomat, and Yente a Goldwyn-Mayer
Women have every job which provides information
They will toil for us, for our liberation

Because all women must vote, at every election that will come
A congressman, a president lies in women's hands
A woman doesn't sell her vote for cash
Rejoice men, it's alright, you've already waited for a long time
That your women may vote

And now 100 years have passed, and see where it has brought us:
Women in boards of companies, in parliaments and start-ups
But what have wealthy women done for care-workers and migrants?
It’s time to change our strategy and join to fight all tyrants!

As all women must vote, at every election that will come
A congressman, a president lies in women's hands
A woman won't sell her vote for cash
Rejoice men, it's alright, you've already waited for a long time
That your women may vote

Because all women must vote, at every election that will come
A congressman, a president lies in women's hands
A woman doesn't sell her vote for cash
Rejoice men, it's alright, you've already waited for a long time
That your women may vote


Who Gave Paradise To You?

I lived for you every day,
But in just one day, I lost all joy!
Longing and sadness
Took hold of this heart of mine,
You took away all my happiness
For no reason!

Who gave Paradise to you?
It was me!
The sun and the blue skies?
It was me!
The roses of love,
The prettiest flower,
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!


Who brought you calm and peacefulness?
It was me!
Who gave you love like nobody else does?
It was me!
The night of passion
Lived with deep emotion...
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!


I only lived to give you everything in this life,
But in the end all I got was this wound.
All that remains is the punishment
For this soul and heart of mine,
That you broke without a motive
And for no reason at all!

Who gave Paradise to you?
It was me!
The sun and the blue skies?
It was me!
The roses of love,
The prettiest flower,
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!


Who brought you calm and peacefulness?
It was me!
Who gave you love like nobody else does?
It was me!
The night of passion
Lived with deep emotion...
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!



Who gave Paradise to you?
It was me!
The sun and the blue skies?
It was me!
The roses of love,
The prettiest flower,
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!


Who brought you calm and peacefulness?
It was me!
Who gave you love like nobody else does?
It was me!
The night of passion
Lived with deep emotion...
Who gave them?
(Who gave them?)
It was me!



Take It All

Were you tempted? Did you like her that much? What else is there to hide now?
Did it hurt? Did you hate me that much? Enough to come find me and expose everything?

How bold of you, saying you couldn’t live without me, and now you're asking me to leave

I don’t need anything, take it all
You two deserve each other, go ahead
Honestly, I should be thanking you, I was getting tired of this too
Why are you acting like this? I’ll leave now, so take it all
I won’t look back, take everything

Did you send her away?Did she tell you to leave me? It doesn’t matter anymore

How cowardly of you, hiding behind another woman, and now you're asking me to leave

I don’t need anything, take it all
You two deserve each other, go ahead
Honestly, I should be thanking you, I was getting tired of this too
Why are you acting like this? I’ll leave now, so take it all
I won’t look back, take everything

You're pathetic, I almost feel sorry for you. How desperate must you be to come looking for me?
Soon you’ll realize, if you can’t even break up properly, how do you expect to love someone?

I don’t need anything, take it all
Try your best without me, let’s see how it goes
Honestly, I’m curious, just how happy will you two be?
I’ll leave now, so take it all
I won’t look back, take everything


The Glamour's Days

There are cars and paintings
In the storefronts
Brunettes and blondies
The pretty pictures

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

The diamonds in bracelets
Cost hundreds of thousands
And if it is strass
It's not for us

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

Don't play with me
Don't joke with me
Don't follow me
Go home

Take all of your show-off
With you
Repeat again
Go away

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

I don't need
I don't need
I don't need
I don't need
No, no, no

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered

I don't need, repeat again,
This fake love
Guns at the ready
The glamour's days are numbered